House Sparrow Nesting: What You Want To Know

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is one of the most common birds on the planet. With the ability to thrive in made-made habitats, like bustling cities, these sparrows have spread around the world. But where do these birds nest? We … Read More

100+ Animals That Live In America

When it comes to animals that live in America, there is no shortage of different species. America is blessed with a wide range of genetic diversity, which has led scientists to identify over 32,000 different animal species within our borders. … Read More

165+ Animals That Start With A

Although A is the first letter of the alphabet, these sometimes-adorable animals might not spring to mind. The good news is that there are plenty of animals that start with A. And I have pulled together a list of top … Read More

230+ Animals that Live in the Rainforest

In fairytales that I read as a kid, rainforests were always portrayed as magical destinations to explore. As an adult, I’ve discovered that rainforests are even cooler than a storybook. Some of the creatures that live in the rainforest are … Read More

20 Animals Starting With E

In my opinion, some of the most awe-inspiring animals in the world start with the letter E. I’ve pulled together a list of 50+ animals starting with the letter E. After you breeze through the list, I’ve included a closer … Read More

Collective Nouns for Animals

Collective nouns for animals range from unpredictable to downright hilarious. When you read through this list of collective nouns for animals, I can almost promise you’ll be surprised by something along the way. Whether you are a logophile (a lover … Read More