27 Blue Animals: Prepare to be Mesmerized!

Blue animals are often very beautiful creatures. And I’m not just saying that because blue is my favorite color!

Before we jump into an exciting list of blue animals, it’s important to note that some of these animals aren’t ‘true blue.’

‘True blue’ involves blue pigment. But blue pigment is relatively rare in nature. At first glance, it might seem like blue is the most common color in nature. After all, you can easily spot an unending blue sky and vast blue oceans. But on closer inspection, you might realize that many of the things we perceive to be blue actually don’t have any blue pigment. For example, a cup of water pulled from the blue sea is clear.

NASA explains this phenomenon of seeing blue everywhere, “Sunlight reaches Earth’s atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.”

With that explanation out of the way, we will include both true blue animals and animals that appear blue to us on this list.

Key Facts:

  • Blue is one of the most rare colors in the animal kingdom.
  • True blue animals have blue pigmentation. Other animals appear blue based on our perception.

26 Blue Animals: A List

Looking for a list of blue animals? Check out our list below.

  1. Blue Skink
  2. Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher
  3. Peacock
  4. Blue Poison Dart Frog
  5. Spix’s Macaw
  6. Great Blue Heron
  7. Blue Tang
  8. Blue Starfish
  9. Blue Jay
  10. Bluebird
  11. Blue Crane
  12. Blue Whale
  13. Blue Iguana
  14. Blue Glaucus
  15. Blue-footed Booby
  16. Blue Marlin
  17. Blue Racer Snake
  18. Blue Dasher Dragonfly
  19. Blue Shark
  20. Blue Morpho Butterfly
  21. Blue Crab
  22. Blue-Spotted Ray
  23. Florida Scrub Jay
  24. Electric Blue Gecko
  25. Blue Button Jellyfish
  26. Man of War
  27. Blue Parrotfish

25 Blue Animals: A Closer Look

Want to learn more about each blue animal on our list? Take a closer look at the information I’ve provided below.

Bluetail Mole Skink

Bluetail mole skink (Eumeces egregius lividus) is a reptile found in the southeastern United States. With its striking blue tail, this species stands out among its peers. These slender skinks typically measure around 5 to 7 inches in length, boasting smooth, glossy scales that vary in shades of brown and gray on their bodies, while their vivid blue tails add a touch of brilliance to their appearance.

Inhabiting sandy areas and pine forests, the Bluetail mole skinks prefer well-drained soils for their burrowing habits. As skilled diggers, they spend much of their time burrowing beneath the ground or seeking shelter under debris and logs.

One of the unique facts about Bluetail Mole Skinks is their ability to autonomously shed their tails when threatened by predators. This self-amputation acts as a defense mechanism, allowing them to escape potential harm while their detached tail wriggles as a decoy. Over time, the lost tail regrows, ensuring their survival in the wild.

Great Blue Heron

The great blue heron has regal appearance and striking blue-gray plumage. With a height of about 4 feet and a wingspan that can reach up to 6 feet, these herons are one of North America’s largest wading birds. Their long necks, dagger-like bills, and tall, slender bodies add to their impressive and elegant demeanor.

I love seeing these birds at St. Mark’s Wildlife Refuge! I might like them too much (I have several paintings of these beautiful birds :) )

Great blue herons are versatile birds, commonly found in a wide range of aquatic habitats, including marshes, swamps, rivers, and coastal shorelines. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Their keen eyesight and patient hunting behavior allow them to stand still for extended periods, waiting for the perfect moment to strike at fish, amphibians, and other small aquatic prey.

Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher

The Blue-grey Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) is a tiny bird that graces woodlands and gardens with its delicate, blue-gray plumage. Despite its name, the Blue-grey Gnatcatcher doesn’t display prominent blue coloring. Instead, it is characterized by subtle shades of blue and gray on its feathers, contributing to its overall understated yet elegant appearance. The reason for their specific coloration is often linked to adaptation, providing effective camouflage within the foliage as they navigate trees and shrubs in search of insects.

If you spend any time watching these birds, you’ll quickly notice their agility in catching insects mid-air, showcasing impressive aerial acrobatics. While the movement is impressive, it made it very difficult for me to snag a picture!


The peacock (Pavo cristatus) is a resplendent avian species renowned for its majestic beauty. With its vibrant blue plumage and iridescent train of feathers, the peacock is an iconic symbol of grace and elegance. Males, known as peacocks, boast striking hues of blue, green, and gold, while females, called peahens, exhibit more subdued colors, blending into their surroundings for enhanced protection during nesting.

Peacocks are native to India and thrive in a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, forests, and grasslands. They often live near water sources, as they enjoy bathing and foraging for food in the vicinity of lakes or rivers. With their impressive vocalizations and striking displays, peacocks capture the attention of both potential mates and observers, making them a captivating sight in their natural habitats.

Blue Poison Dart Frog

The blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius azureus) is an amphibian cherished for its vibrant coloration. With a cobalt-blue hue adorning its skin, this tiny frog serves as a living testament to the wonders of nature. Measuring just around 1 to 2 inches in length, its striking appearance acts as a warning to potential predators, signaling its toxicity.

The blue poison dart frog primarily inhabits the lush rainforests of South America, specifically found in the Suriname and southern regions of French Guiana. This elusive species thrives amidst dense vegetation and leaf litter near streams and water sources, providing an optimal environment for their breeding and survival.

Spix’s Macaw

The Spix’s Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) is a parrot species celebrated for its striking blue plumage. With its vibrant shades of blue and hints of turquoise, this stunning bird captures the imagination of wildlife enthusiasts worldwide. The Spix’s Macaw stands as a symbol of both beauty and rarity.

This species is native to the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, particularly the states of Bahia and Piauí. Historically, it inhabited the dense forests along the Rio São Francisco. However, due to extensive habitat loss and illegal capture for the pet trade, the Spix’s Macaw faced a steep decline in population. In the wild, it favored the carnaúba palm (Copernicia prunifera) for nesting and foraging, relying heavily on this tree for its survival.

As of the latest assessment, the Spix’s Macaw is classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservationists and organizations continue to work tirelessly to protect and restore this species’ habitat, combat illegal trafficking, and ensure its survival for future generations to appreciate the rare beauty of this iconic blue animal.

Blue Tang

Blue tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus) are a striking marine fish adored for their brilliant shades of blue. With its flat, oval-shaped body and vibrant royal blue color, this species stands out amidst the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. The blue tang also has contrasting black markings near its eyes and tail, adding to its allure.

Blue tangs live in coral-rich environments, particularly in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the western and central Pacific Ocean. They prefer to reside in small groups, gracefully gliding through coral formations. They feed on algae and plankton with their small, pointed mouths.

Blue Starfish

Blue starfish (Linckia laevigata) is a mesmerizing marine creature. Sporting a vibrant blue hue, this starfish species stands out against the sandy seabed and coral reefs of tropical oceans.

Blue starfish are commonly found in the shallow coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. They thrive in areas with abundant coral reefs and rocky substrates. An interesting aspect of the blue starfish is its ability to regenerate lost arms. This allows them to recover from injuries and potential predators, contributing to their survival in the dynamic marine ecosystem.

Blue Jay

The blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a charismatic bird with striking blue plumage and bold personality. With its brilliant blue feathers on the upper body, white underparts, and distinctive black markings on its face and wings, the blue jay is a true beauty among the avian world. Its crest atop the head can be raised or lowered, reflecting its emotions and adding to its charm.

Blue jays are commonly found in a variety of habitats across North America, including forests, woodlands, and suburban areas. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in both rural and urban environments. These intelligent birds are highly vocal and known for their loud and varied calls, which include mimicking the calls of other bird species.

Blue jays are known as “scatter hoarders.” During autumn, they stash acorns and other nuts in various locations to prepare for the winter months. However, they do not always retrieve all of their caches. Forgotten caches inadvertently contribute to forest regeneration by helping to disperse seeds and promote tree growth.


The bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a songbird cherished for its melodious songs. With its striking blue coloration on the upper body, rusty-orange breast, and white underparts, the bluebird is a delightful sight in gardens and open woodlands. Its petite size and cheerful demeanor make it a beloved species among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Bluebirds are typically found in open habitats, including meadows, orchards, and suburban areas with ample trees and nesting sites. They prefer open spaces for foraging and enjoy perching on wires and fences, offering easy visibility for their insect-catching endeavors. Their distinctive call, a sweet warbling tune, fills the air during the breeding season, marking the arrival of spring in many regions.

Blue Crane

Scientifically known as Grus paradisea, the blue crane is a magnificent bird renowned for its elegant appearance and graceful movements. Despite its name, the blue crane’s plumage is predominantly light gray, creating a beautiful silvery-blue sheen in the sunlight. With a slender neck, long legs, and a distinctive patch of bare red skin on its face, the blue crane exudes a regal aura that captivates observers.

Blue cranes are native to the grasslands and wetlands of southern Africa, particularly found in countries such as South Africa, Lesotho, and Namibia. These majestic birds are highly nomadic and are known for their impressive migratory journeys across vast distances, seeking suitable feeding and nesting grounds. They are particularly fond of shallow, marshy areas and wetland habitats rich in insects, small reptiles, and plant matter.

Blue Whale

Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the largest animals to have ever graced our planet. With a distinct bluish-gray coloration on its back, these gentle giants can reach lengths of up to 100 feet and weigh as much as 200 tons. Their colossal size and massive, streamlined bodies make them a truly awe-inspiring sight in the world’s oceans.

Blue whales are known for their remarkable migration patterns. They often travel long distances between their feeding and breeding grounds, favoring cold, nutrient-rich waters for feeding during the summer months and warmer, tropical waters for breeding during the winter. These marine mammals primarily feed on tiny shrimp-like animals called krill, consuming vast amounts to sustain their impressive size.

Blue Iguana

With its vivid blue skin and pronounced spines along its back, the blue iguana stands out as one of the most captivating blue animals in the world. Blue iguanas can grow up to 5 feet in length, and their striking coloration varies from shades of grayish-blue to vibrant turquoise, adding to their allure.

Blue iguanas are endemic to the island of Grand Cayman in the Caribbean and have specific habitat preferences. They are often found in rocky areas, dry shrublands, and the island’s interior forests, taking refuge in burrows or rocky crevices to regulate their body temperature. This iguana species is diurnal, basking in the sun during the day and actively foraging for leaves, flowers, and fruits to sustain their herbivorous diet.

Unfortunately, these beautiful blue animals are endangered. Due to habitat destruction, invasive species, and illegal hunting, their populations declined dramatically in the 20th century. By the early 2000s, they were on the brink of extinction, with only a handful remaining in the wild. However, dedicated conservation efforts, including captive breeding and habitat restoration, have led to a resurgence in their numbers. Today, the blue iguana is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), making continued conservation measures crucial to secure the survival of this remarkable blue animal.

Blue Glaucus

Scientifically known as Glaucus atlanticus, the blue glaucus is a fascinating sea slug that captivates with its stunning blue and silver coloration. Despite its small size, typically reaching only 1 to 3 centimeters in length, the blue glaucus stands out as one of the most captivating blue animals in the ocean. Its unique appearance features a silvery-blue hue on its dorsal side, while its ventral side is silver, camouflaging it from predators from below.

Blue glaucus are pelagic creatures, preferring to inhabit the open ocean rather than coastal areas. They are often found floating at the surface, where they use a gas-filled sac to remain buoyant. Unlike most sea slugs, which are herbivorous, the blue glaucus is a carnivorous predator that preys on other cnidarians, such as the Portuguese man o’ war. Its unusual feeding habits have earned it the nickname “blue dragon.”

Blue-footed Booby

The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is a charming seabird. As the name suggests, these booby birds have distinct bright blue feet, which play a significant role in their courtship rituals. Their plumage is predominantly brown and white.

Blue-footed boobies are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the eastern Pacific Ocean, primarily found along the coasts of South and Central America. They prefer to nest on rocky cliffs and islands, particularly those with open spaces and little vegetation. Their excellent diving and fishing skills make them adept at catching fish and squid, making the ocean their primary hunting ground.

Blue Marlin

As one of the largest billfish species, blue marlins (Makaira nigricans) can grow up to 16 feet in length and weigh over 1,500 pounds. Their sleek bodies are adorned with cobalt blue hues on the upper body, fading into a silvery-white shade on the underside.

Blue marlins are pelagic predators, inhabiting the open ocean of tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are often found in warm currents, particularly near continental shelves and deep-sea drop-offs. These apex predators are known for their impressive hunting skills and can reach incredible speeds of up to 50 mph when chasing their prey.

Blue Racer Snake

The blue racer snake (Coluber constrictor foxii) is a swift and fascinating reptile found in North America. Despite its name, this species does not possess a blue coloration but is rather characterized by its vibrant bluish-gray hue. With a slender body and a length ranging from 3 to 6 feet, the blue racer showcases impressive agility and speed.

Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Scientifically known as Pachydiplax longipennis, the blue dasher dragonfly is a captivating insect adored for its dazzling blue coloration and graceful flight. With a slender body and a wingspan of about 2 inches, the blue dasher showcases a vivid turquoise-blue hue on its thorax and abdomen, complemented by delicate black markings. Its iridescent wings sparkle in the sunlight, making it a striking sight in wetlands and bodies of freshwater.

Blue dasher dragonflies are commonly found near ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams, where they thrive in warm and sunny environments. Their preferred habitats provide ample opportunities for hunting small flying insects, which make up a significant portion of their diet. Their agile and swift flight allows them to catch prey with precision.

Blue Shark

Blue sharks (Prionace glauca) are highly migratory and widely distributed, inhabiting both tropical and temperate waters around the world. They prefer deep, pelagic habitats but are also known to venture closer to shore in search of prey. These apex predators are skilled hunters, primarily feeding on small fish, squid, and even other sharks.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

The blue morpho butterfly (Morpho peleides) is revered for its breathtaking blue iridescence. With a wingspan of around 5 to 8 inches, the blue morpho showcases vibrant blue hues on its upper wings, which appear to shimmer and change color when viewed from different angles. Its underwings, however, are more subdued, featuring a brown and marbled pattern that aids in camouflaging against tree bark when at rest.

Blue morpho butterflies are predominantly found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer living in the understory and lower canopy layers. These agile creatures spend much of their time in the treetops, gliding gracefully through the dense vegetation.

Blue Crab

Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) possess a vibrant blue coloration and delectable taste. With a distinct “teardrop” shape and a hard exoskeleton, the blue crab boasts captivating shades of blue on its carapace and pincers. Its eyes, legs, and claws are adorned with striking hues of blue, setting it apart from other crab species.

Blue crabs are predominantly found along the eastern coasts of North and South America, particularly in estuaries, salt marshes, and shallow coastal waters. They exhibit remarkable adaptability to varying salinity levels, allowing them to thrive in both freshwater and saltwater environments.

Blue-Spotted Ray

The blue spotted ray (Taeniura lymma) has a disc-shaped body featuring a mesmerizing pattern of electric blue spots. It ray stands out amidst the sandy seabed and coral reefs. Its undersides are predominantly white, while its tail often showcases vibrant blue stripes, adding to its allure.

Blue spotted rays are typically found in the warm, shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region. They prefer coral reef habitats and lagoons, where they can glide gracefully along the seabed. They spend time searching for small crustaceans, mollusks, and other invertebrates to feed on. As nocturnal creatures, they are more active during the night, foraging for food under the cover of darkness.

Florida Scrub Jay

The Florida scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is native to the unique Florida scrub ecosystem, consisting of dry, sandy areas with low vegetation and oak trees. These highly social birds are often observed in family groups, engaging in intricate vocalizations and cooperative behaviors. For example, they spend time caching and protecting food resources.

It has bright blue feathers on the head, wings, and tail, accented by a grayish-brown back and underparts. This scrappy jay stands out amidst the sandy scrubland habitats of Florida. Its long tail and bold facial markings make it a unique sight.

Shiny Honeycreeper

The Shining Honeycreeper is a breathtaking bird celebrated for its stunning blue plumage and iridescent greenish-blue throat. With a small, compact body and bright blue coloration covering most of its head, back, and wings, this vibrant honeycreeper stands out amidst the lush tropical forests it inhabits.

Shining Honeycreepers live in humid tropical regions of Central and South America, where they prefer forest canopies and dense vegetation. Their preferred habitats include rainforests, cloud forests, and montane forests, where they forage for nectar, fruits, and insects. They play a vital role in pollination, benefiting the diversity of plant life in their ecosystems.

Blue Button Jellyfish

The blue button jellyfish (Porpita porpita) is not a true jellyfish but belongs to a group of marine organisms known as siphonophores. With a small disc-shaped float measuring around 1 inch in diameter, the blue button displays a stunning electric blue color on its upper surface and a contrasting deep blue or purple hue on its underside.

Blue button jellyfish are primarily found in warm, tropical and subtropical ocean waters worldwide. They prefer to float at the ocean’s surface, where they drift along with ocean currents.

Man of War

Scientifically known as Physalia physalis, the man o’ war is a captivating marine creature often mistaken for a jellyfish. (Another case of mistaken identity!)

The creature isn’t a single organism. Instead, it’s a colonial organism composed of specialized individuals called zooids, each with a specific role. The man o’ war features a vibrant blue gas-filled float that sits above the waterline, aiding in its buoyancy. Beneath the float, long, stinging tentacles trail, designed to capture and immobilize prey.

Man o’ wars are pelagic creatures, drifting along ocean currents in warm, tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. They have no means of propulsion and depend entirely on winds and currents to move. But they have a potent sting.

Blue Parrotfish

With its striking blue coloration, the blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) makes a nice visual addition to any reef. With a sleek, elongated body, the blue parrotfish displays a mesmerizing blend of blue hues. As they mature, males often develop a bright yellow coloration around their eyes and face, adding to their captivating appearance.

Blue parrotfish are commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Western Atlantic. They prefer coral reefs and rocky coastal areas. They are highly social and form schools while feeding during the day. As herbivorous grazers, they play a crucial role in maintaining healthy coral reef ecosystems. They consume algae and help to prevent overgrowth that could suffocate the corals.

Equipped with beak-like teeth, they use their powerful jaws to scrape algae and coral polyps off the reef, leaving behind characteristic feeding scars. Their constant feeding and excretion of fine sand contribute significantly to the formation of sandy beaches and islets in their habitats.

Final Take on Blue Animals

Blue animals are worth starting a wildlife quest for! Which one of these beautiful animals would you like to see on your life list?